WHS Legislation Overview for Workers and Managers

This course will provide essential knowledge on the requirements of the current WHS legislation and the obligations that it places on PCBU’s and workers at all levels in an organisation.

Duration: 2 hours
Dates: See below
Location: North Lake
Price: Price on enquiry

This course will provide essential knowledge on the requirements of the current WHS legislation and the obligations that it places on PCBU’s and workers at all levels in an organisation.

The main topics to be covered in the course include:

  • WHS harmonisation process and key differences between the new WHS laws and previous OSH laws.
  • The intent, objects, and purpose of the WHS legislation.
  • Overview of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) and subsidiary legislation.
  • Explanation of shared and concurrent duties between PCBUs.
  • Main duties under WHS legislation, including duties of workers.
  • Practical application of worker duties.
  • Compliance, enforcement, prosecution, and penalties under WHS legislation.
  • Relevant case studies and examples.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance.

Price on enquiry.

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