Risk Management Essentials

The course is designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively identify, assess, and manage workplace health and safety (WHS) risks.
Duration: 4 hours
Dates: See below
Location: North Lake
Price: $243 Member / $270 Non-Member

The course is designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively identify, assess, and manage workplace health and safety (WHS) risks.

Throughout the course, participants will explore four key risk management steps:

  1. Identify hazards – find out what could cause harm.
  2. Assess risks, if necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening.
  3. Control risks – implement the most effective control measure, hierarchy of control measures.
  4. Monitor and review hazards and control measures to ensure they are working as planned.

The key topics covered in this course include:

  • Risk management responsibilities under WHS legislation.
  • Applying a risk management process.
  • Hazard identification.
  • Apply the techniques of hazard identification to a workplace inspection.
  • Identify critical tasks that require specific risk control strategies.
  • Managing identified hazards.

This course is delivered through a blend of interactive presentations, case studies, group discussions, and practical activities.

Name Date Time Location

By the end of this training, participants will emerge with the knowledge and skills necessary to proactively identify, assess, and manage WHS risks, contributing to a safer and healthier workplace for all.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be issued with a certificate of attendance.

Student TypePrice

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