Enhancing Offshore Energy Safety: HSR Training & Forum in Perth
Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) Crucial for Offshore Energy Industry Well-being
Health and safety representatives (HSRs) play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being of workers in the offshore energy industry. To further empower and educate these key personnel, WHS Foundation and NOPSEMA, Australia’s offshore regulator, is hosting a two-day HSR Refresher: Offshore Oil & Gas, and an HSR Forum in Perth on March 12 and 13, 2024.
On completion of this one-day refresher course on March 12, participants will be able to apply knowledge of the legislation of an HSR, identify and evaluate hazards in the workplace and recommend control methods, conduct an effective inspection of their workplace and so much more.
The forum, the day after our refresher course, offers a unique opportunity for HSRs to gather insights from expert speakers and panelists. Topics covered include training, updates on legislation and regulation, psychosocial work hazards, and workplace support for HSRs.
Register now for our one-day HSR Refresher – Offshore Oil & Gas on March 12, and join us with NOPSEMA for the HSR Forum. Health and Safety Representative Refresher – Offshore Oil & Gas – WHS Foundation – Work Health & Safety Foundation
For more information for the HSR Forum 2024, click here.